Hello Beautiful,

First  of all I want to make it clear, I am not against the use of cosmetics but against the use of chemicals in my cosmetics.

Quite lately I have been reading about the US cosmetic industry. Do you know there is no regulation for Cosmetic Industry?
The reason is Cosmetic industry is 30 Billion dollars in US market.

The FDA is a regulatory authority which monitors the Cosmetics products .Basically, if a Cosmetic company abide by the ingredients  that is listed in United States by FDA, it can manufacture any product it wants to. The consumer is the scapegoat here. Unless and until a consumer reports there is a problem in the product, the  cosmetic industry can keep on selling the product.But how I can find that cancer is caused by the Lipstick that I have been using for 5 years?  From baby products to Lipsticks that we use in day to day of our life, there are chemicals that is used in our cosmetics that are carcinogens.Over 85-90% of the cosmetics that we use contains Paraben. 

(On September 6, 1997 the Boston Globe reported that “The General Accounting Office, the investigative branch of Congress, has identified more than 125 cosmetic ingredients suspected of causing cancer- and others that may cause birth defects.”! Many of the harmful chemicals still used abundantly in cosmetics in the United States have been long banned in the rest of the world's countries.)Source: After glow Cosmetics 

The European council has banned so many ingredients from the cosmetics products. Don't be fooled by the big company names. Everybody is in the market is to make profit. It is up to us to be educated and make the wise decision of putting a full stop to the chemicals  in the products. "Buyer Beware" is the principle that  we have to adopt when choosing the product for ourselves and our family.

If I start blaming here, the list  will be endless. It is better for us  to be "the change" and demand change. I found an interesting video on the use of toxins in cosmetics. It will surely make us think on next purchase.



The Story of Cosmetics, released on July 21st, 2010, examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced with Free Range Studios and hosted by Annie Leonard, the seven-minute film by The Story of Stuff Project reveals the implications for consumer and worker health and the environment, and outlines ways we can move the industry away from hazardous chemicals and towards safer alternatives. The film concludes with a call for viewers to support legislation aimed at ensuring the safety of cosmetics and personal care products. 

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