I am big fan of doing face masks at home.The reasons are it is fresh,natural and I know what I am putting on my skin plus it costs me nothing. 

  1. Besan- 3/4 tbsp
  2. Neem Powder-1/2 tsp
  3. Milk- enough to make a paste consistency
Mix all the above  ingredients in a bowl and apply it on your clean face for 10-15 minutes. Do make sure you don't apply on the eyebrows and near the eyes. Vola you have made your own face masks.Then using warm water, kindly scrub gently and see a difference in the skin texture.

Effects on the Skin:
You can feel your skin getting tightened.  For Acne Prone skin, neem powder is very good as it  acts as a  anti inflammation  and fight against the bacteria. It is very bitter to taste. Some people in India  eats the tender neem leaves in the early morning to cure the skin problems. Try it and let me know how it feels
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