Aztec Indian Healing Clay 

About Aztec :

Their claim:

Aztec Secret Healing Indian Clay is bentonite clay, considered to be the very finest. This clay comes from Death Valley, California. It is sun dried for up to six months in temperatures that reach up to 134 degrees. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay contains over 50 natural mineral compounds.

When a facial or clay poultice is applied, the unique molecular structure of Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay deep cleanses skin pores, removing dirt and impurities, lifting out poisons and toxins stored in the epidermis; pimples and blackheads are absorbed into the clay bed, resulting in accelerated healing and nourishment of the skin. 
The skin is clean, refreshed, and alive. You can see and feel the difference. Continued use results in a more beautiful, healthy skin.For more information,please click here.


Mix AZTEC SECRET INDIAN HEALING CLAY with equal parts of apple cider vinegar* or water. It is best to use a glass, pottery, or wooden bowl. Stir the mixture until it is a smooth paste - add more clay or liquid as needed. Apply 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick layer of clay to the face or other areas and let it dry. Drying times vary, but times are generally 5 minutes for delicate skin and 15- 20 minutes for normal skin. You will feel a pulling and tightening sensation. Source: Aztec


1. 100% natural,no fragrances,no animal testing and no animal products.
2. This mask is true to their claim. It will make your skin Pulsate.You should try it to believe it.
3.You will surely feel refreshed and really feel clean after using this product.
4. No breakouts after using the product
4. I bought this tub at 7$ and  it will come for really long time.


1. The mask doesn't come off easily. Be sure to have lot of patience.You need to do lot of gentle scrubbing to remove it completely.
2. When you are mixing  it with water, it forms lumps.  Be sure to add water little by little when mixing it.
3. It is not found easily.Mostly available at health food stores. 


100% natural calcium bentonite (green) clay 

Buyer Beware:

I am not sure of the Cleopatra using the product as they advertised in their claim. There are various online stores selling the product at different prices ranging from $7 to $30 for a 1 lb of clay. Kindly check the price and buy the product. Other than that, there is no concern issue.

Final thoughts:

They have mentioned about using the clay  on various parts of the body.For various usages you can click here. I haven't tried it personally  on other parts of the body other than the facial mask. It really works for my oily/combination skin. I really love this product and would be using it for a long time. 

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